Painting and drawing whilst stand alone works of expressive art, have always played a prominent role in the development of ceramic and sculpture work produced. Whether its a quick sketch on a train station platform in a far away land or a larger scale painting done en plein air on a rugged outcrop over looking the sea. Life drawing also has always been an essential tool for working 3D pieces and Sonje has taught life drawing skills over many years.
Bleak, rocky & dramatic environments never fail to inspire: in particular places like Hampi in South India, a personal pilgrimage destination since the 1980′s, the wild moorlands of Dartmoor & West Yorkshire and the windswept northern archipelago of Shetland. Never one to be restricted by size, and by immersing herself within these vast and wild spaces Sonje captures the emotional essence and dramatic light that falls on these eccentric geological landscapes.
This section offers a selection of both large & smaller scale wall pieces made during various Artist Residencies over the decades. Where as most are now sold and in private collections some remaining pieces are still available for purchase. These can be viewed on The Artworks Available page on this website, all inquiies are most welcome so please use the contact details given.